
The Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE) is blocking the flow of energy into our democracy. They are ignoring the voices of those most impacted by energy planning decisions, leaving many without access to basic electricity and approving polluting projects while our just transition to renewable energy languishes on Mantashe’s desk. Climate justice and our shared energy future demand action.


  1. Look for an event near you on the list below and RSVP to it.
  2. If you’re not able to attend in person, you can still take action online.
  3. If your organisation wants to publicly support the mobilisation, sign up here.


South Africans are coming together across all nine provinces to call on the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE) to stop blocking a socially, economically and environmentally just energy and mining future. RSVP to attend an event near you.

Are you keen to take part in the #UprootTheDMRE mobilisation, but can’t do so in person? Not a problem, you can take action online to help support the cause:

Send an email to the DMRE

Send out a tweet and tag the DMRE

Post a picture holding a #UprootTheDMRE sign

Whatsapp your friends and family to join the action

Contact decision makers in Eskom and the government


We are facing interconnected social, economic and ecological crises, which require us to transform our archaic and harmful energy and mining sector to ensure a more socially, economically and ecologically just future. We need transformative action now, which we are demanding. We summarise our demands with the following bullet points:

  1. The leadership and structure of the DMRE must be transformed to fulfil a mandate for an inclusive socially, economically, and ecologically just energy and mining future. Mantashe must step aside to allow new progressive leadership. 
  2. A rapid and just transition to a more socially owned, renewable energy powered economy, providing clean, safe, and affordable energy for all, with no worker and community left behind in the transition
  3. No to new polluting, corrupt and expensive coal, oil, and gas projects, officials within the department to be investigated arround irregular deals. Reject the corrupt, costly and unnecessary powership program. We demand One Million Climate Jobs instead. 
  4. Communities must have the right to say no to mining projects, that includes free, prior informed consent, the upholding of social labour plans, and the right to sustainable alternative modes of development. 
  5. Minister Mantashe and the DMRE must stop blocking and inhibiting Eskom’s transition to renewables. We need a Green New Eskom driving a just transition to a more socially owned, renewable energy future.

Click here for the list of full demands.


Live Coverage

If you’re planning an action or event and want to know how to best cover it online using just your mobile phone (and a few other tools), here are some tips. With just a few steps, you can ensure that many people see and hear about what happened. Click here.

Social Media Best Practices

Social media platforms are always changing, so we want to provide some of the up to date info on what works and what doesn’t. This guide will help you when you’re working on a campaign or action and need to decide on what content to share and how to do it. Click here.

#UprootTheDMRE Social Media Sharepack

Here’s a document with read-to-go texts and graphics you can use now to spread the word about the #UprootTheDMRE mobilisation. Click here.

Media Toolkit

This media toolkit walks through how to use the news to communicate our power, campaigns and the climate movement with the world.  The toolkit has templates for Press releases, media advisories and many other useful resources to help you with media outreach. Click here.

#UprootTheDMRE Materials

Here are graphics, logos and videos for social media use. Click here. 


This mobilisation is a collaborative effort by:

African Climate Alliance (ACA), Bathalbine Foundation, Botshabelo Unemplyed Movement, Climate Justice Coalition (CJC), Green Connection, GroundWork, Mining Affected Communities United in Action (MACUA), Nu Climate Vision, Oceans Not Oil, Project90 by 2030, Sekhukhune Environmental Justice Network, South Durban Community Environmental Alliance, South African Federation of Trade Unions (SAFTU), South African Green Revolutionary Council, Support Centre for Land Change and 350Africa.org.

And supported by:

Alternative Information Development Centre (AIDC), Collective Movement, Extinction Rebellion (XR), Eastern Cape Enivornmental Network, Fossil Free South Africa, General Industrial Workers Union of South Africa (GIWUSA), Greenpeace Africa, Newcastle Environmental Justice Alliance (NEJA), OTT (Orlando Task Team), SAFCEI, Soweto Sukuma Sinqobe, Thembelihle Crisis commitee, United Front, United Front, Women Affected by Mining United in Action (WAMUA) 


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